Tuesday, May 10, 2016

That's Not a Beach, THIS is a beach!

So Debbie and I have been having a continual debate the past couple of days...what constitutes classification as your favorite beach? Her top vote is Bucanneer Beach in sleepy Oceanside, CA in 1968. Her very close second is Ponto/South Carlsbad and I can't disagree with her on that call. I mean, how can you discount sticking your toes into the hot sand on a summer day and enjoying a nice evening with friends and family BBQ'ing a sumptuous dinner after a dip in the cool refreshing surf.....pure bliss I say.
But, this is my kind of a beach....

Raw, windswept, desolate and cranking out more energy than 1000 nuclear power plants. It reminds me of Cape Hatteras, NC which is about 40 miles out to sea, here at Cape Blanco, OR you're about 10 miles out and every nerve ending in your body feels it.
I took a 5 mile hike along the Cape Blanco headlands and did not encounter a single soul....no car sounds, no planes, no kids screaming, no mothers or fathers screaming at said kids for screaming - it was nirvana I tell you. Kind of like walking the west coast of Ireland or as the local Irish guys say..."a good stretch of the legs".

Yep, that's the coastal headlands trail my friend. How cool is that? This mother stretches along the entire 360 something mile long Oregon coastline. A later post will detail our admiration for the Oregon Parks system, these guys have it figured out.
I did encounter a deer on my trek. I heard two cracks of underbrush breaking in quick succession and there before me, not 30 feet ahead of me, I see this magnificent beast LEAP over the trail and scanter off into the thick brush. I haphazardly fumbled for my camera but I was totally in shock...I did manage to grab this grainy photo of her as she stared at me from a safe distance.

This was on Mothers Day and in a weird kind of way I thought of her as my mother just checking in with me to see if all was good...everything's all right ma, thanks for keeping an eye on us and Happy Mother's Day, I love and miss you.
Cape Blanco was one righteous place to hang. We could've spent a month at this jewel....fabulous hiking, great campsite and that raw ass ocean hurling itself towards you 24/7. If in the area you gotta check this place out.

Right now we're at Beverly Beach SP, OR just a few clicks north of Newport.
Debbie and I went for a walk on the beach and on the way back went aggressive friendly on a family from Hamburg, Germany. Young parents with a 2 or 3 year old boy. Cute as all get out. The little boy said thank you to me. His father immediately said  "that's the first words he has ever spoken in English". Hashtag dorbs! I almost cried, Debbie definitely pooled up.
Speaking of Debbie, check out the aura surrounding this gal...the most powerful person I have EVER met in my lifetime, right here before you. You gotta click on this photo to check out the energy coming off of this woman...stellar! Taken at sunset, and I'm not making this up, Sunset Bay SP, OR.

Well that's a wrap from Newport, OR sports fans.
Goodnight moon, goodnight mouse...and good night to all of you loved ones. We miss you and wish you were here. Click below to see the moon rise.....later good folks!


  1. No comparison....
    If you want a day at the beach, San Clemente South to Cabo.
    Having said that, the Oregon coast is breathtaking!!! (ie checkout pics) and definitely worth revisiting.
    Good to see I still have mojo.
    And look at Howie drawing the kids & wildlife to him like a regular pied Piper?

  2. Beautiful sunset and sis
    Hard to think of anything more beautiful then those beaches
    Whether in sun or windy and raw best thing wiggling toes in the paper always calming
    Peace out
    Safe continued beautiful journey
    Love u

    1. Thanks Denise, we'll check these beaches out again soon with you guys. And, by the way, Camp del Mar comes pretty darn close as my favorite beach - especially when we're there with you. Lot's of love, miss you and say hey to Mike.

  3. Keep this stuff coming!
    We've developed a bacteria infestation in our plant from out of code beer dumped down the drain. We have fried our 2nd turbo blower motor in as many days. no O2, no functional bacteria, things are on their head here in San Diego.

    But this blog, is a welcomed get away! Thanks for the updates, and keep on keepin on.

    Also, I had to save the mama sunset picture. titled
    "sea turtle aura.jpeg"

    1. hey son, if it was easy anyone could fix it. Keep you eye on the ball and all will come together. Glad the blog is a kind diversion for you. Work hard and make lot's of money!

    2. Definitely agree that the Oregon coast is beautiful but it is lacking palm trees and warm water. As for Deb, nothing beats that pic. Excellent framing.
