Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ever Feel Puny and Insignificant?

No? Well, gentle reader, you NEED to visit the Humboldt Redwoods State Park and meld with the 3500 year old giant redwoods. I say need because I think every human being on the planet should feel puny and insignificant at least a few times in a lifetime - you know, keeps us from taking ourselves too seriously. It also affirms the understanding that Mother Nature is fully in charge. Ole Ma's dealing the cards and the house always wins.
Check out this stump I examined at the visitor center:

This beauty started growing in 912 AD and the exhibit does a good job of showing the timeline. You may need to click on it to see the writing. If the life of an average redwood could be boiled down to 60 minutes it would go something like this - the first 30 minutes they are growing to maturity; maturity is reached by about the 40th minute; and using this scale the life span of an average human would occupy one measly minute.
Do I feel puny? You bet. Insignificant? Most certainly. In fact with this overwhelming feeling of puniness and insignificance I was starting to get the heebie jeebies!
I managed a nice little bike ride this morning after a previous long driving day followed by a heavy night of Jack Daniel and Stone beers. I tell you, one of the best bike rides of my life. About 2 hours of pedaling along the Avenue of the Giants through the giant redwoods will cure anything that ails you, including a massive hangover. In fact as I write this post some several hours later I'm still trying to wipe the smile off my face. Yes, it was that good.
Now in beautiful Harris Beach State Park in Brookings, OR for the weekend.

Debbie captured this gorgeous sunset shot today at Harris Beach. I'm now calling her Debbie Ansel Adams. Nice shot Deb! Click to expand, it's a beauty.
A little teaser...our next stop is going to be one windy mo fo.


  1. Looks awesome! LOVE Homboldt and the beautiful giants. Keep on blogging with Jack at your side.

  2. Thanks Kim, will do. There's lots of beautiful hiking trails around Harris Beach, you would love it. Wish you and Mark were with me on them, I love hiking with you guys. Can't wait to hit the trails/glaciers with you up in AK in July. see you guys soon, say hey to Mark and Blake for us.
    Love Howard and Deb

  3. 2 hour silent ride through red woods, epic!
    Nice little teaser at the end of the post there, keep em on the edge of their seats.

    1. Always keep 'em guessing Charlie...that ride was indeed EPIC! Thanks, love and miss you.

  4. It would take a whole lotta that to piss me off :)

  5. Dear future generations,
    Please accept our apologies.
    We were rolling drunk on petroleum.
    Kurt Vonnegut

  6. You can just say hi yourself I'm a long time listener, first time caller.

    1. welcome to the show Mark, first time/long timers are our best audience - they boost the ratings and we don't have to monkey around with them too much.
      Thanks for tuning in!
