Saturday, May 7, 2016

No Hurry...It's Currie

Currie County, OR that is. Now don't get me wrong, I would dig a lovely curry dish right now but Currie County is not considered one of the Indian hotspots on the west coast. It's more of a Subway, Pizza and beers kind of a place...fine with us.

Note that this is a DRIVE THRU Subway...decent!
I had promised that the next post would be from our next stop at Cape Blanco but I understand that cell coverage there is nil so we won't be posting for a couple of days.
So, thought we would give you a quick update on our stay at Harris Beach and the shenanigans we've been up to while here.
Today, we went for a glorious hike on the Oregon Redwood Trail thru a rainforest of redwoods, douglas firs and a million other plants...very nice. Kind of a spiritual place that gets you connected with the real world. Actually it is kind of other worldly in that it all seems like you are in another dimension.....OK, I'm babbling right now but hopefully you get my drift.

Now, we've taken a lot of tourist photos with knock out sunsets, dew covered ferns and the like but why bore you nice people with these. Hell, you can go on the internet and find much better photos of these types of things than anything we can produce with our little Sony Cybershot.

Now here's a beautiful photo for you:

Isn't that a sight? River Pizza Brewery...pretty good beer, OK pizza.
We've decided that we will focus on visiting and sampling the beers at the many breweries scattered throughout the OR and WA coastline. So far we've bagged the Chetco, Misty Mountain
and River Pizza Breweries in Brookings and the clear winner is Misty Mountain.

Here's a shot of Deb along the Redwood Trail, no we did not smoke that thing, although it looked very tempting!

Here's another shot looking UP the INSIDE of an ancient redwood, Try finding that on the internet, I dare you.

We're off to Cape Blanco at first light - well, after we watch the Man City/Arsenal match up - Joe, who ya got? Gunners all day my friend!
Cape Blanco is touted as the windiest spot on the west coast with winds clocked at up to 197 mph...batten down the hatches sailor.
And for all of you mothers out there, here's a bouquet of flowers (Peony's from the Brookings Azalea Park) and our well wishes for a wonderful Day. Happy Mothers Day!


  1. Howard embracing the spiritual and me hiking....will wonders...
    Rainforest in the misty rain, tanoaks, 50cent size clovers (do they even make those anymore?), 3 sister redwood, cocle shells...mmmm
    It was the WILD River Brewery, and wild twas, kinda oregon does chucky cheese.
    To all my muthas out there, and you know who you are, blessings filled with love and joy!
    Miss y'all!

    1. So much beauty and awesomeness
      Waiting for this trip sure paid off made all those long working days worth it
      Just think u still have so many more majestic views to come
      Enjoy everything and try everything
      Love u both

    2. Thanks Denise. We have got to make a trip with you guys up the OR coast. I've been keeping a list of all the places you'd love. We're gonna do it, that is guaranteed!
      Love and miss you. AND, thank you, you know what I mean. This trip would not have been possible without you, hugs and kisses, you're the best.

  2. Happy Mother's Day Deb! I'm loving these posts-you're having the adventure of a lifetime-

    1. Happy Mothers Day to you too Sue, you're the best we know at being a stellar Mom. You've got 3 lucky girls there! We'll keep posting if you keep reading and the trip has been great so far. Love you

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nikki fixed Denise's phone so now she can comment.

    1. Good news, thanks Nikki and hello Nise! I've been hearing from others they too are having trouble posting comments. As I am a neophyte at this blogging business I'm afraid I can't be of much help. If any of you tech savvy folks out there get it figured out let me know through a comment and I'll post it. Maybe you have to have a g mail account to post?? I don't know but any advice would be appreciated.

  5. And here are 2 of my fav mothers!
    Thanks Sclo, we are in it to win it!
    Nise, you found us! Come along...

  6. And thanks Nicole, you tech savvy millennial!!!
    What would we do w/O y'all.
    I haven't figured out how to reach my imogees, but I'm working on it!

  7. Hey guys, loving the Howie blog! Happy mother's day to Deb, and enjoy the ride!

    1. Thanks Brian, stay tuned, I'm just getting warmed up.

  8. I'm waayyyyy envious! I should be there getting spiritual in the redwoods with pizza and beer, where do I apply for that job? Knew I should have stowed away aboard the blue whale while she was in the driveway, Will live vicariously through you guys while SOME of us still have to work for a living. grumble, grumble, grumble...

    1. Thanks Phil. My spiritual odyessy beagn in your driveway a week ago. You've got one peaceful place there my friend. Take care and thanks for keeping track of us.

  9. Too much good stuff here! Where to start.

    Drive thru subway featuring a "carved tu_key w/ bacon". Holy smokes...
    Howie getting cosmic and dropping weed references, while Debbie "the knee" Montamble hits the rocky trail for some good ole hiking. That flips conventional wisdom on its head.
    That pizza looks just about OK to me as well.
    Hollowed out redwood tree.. Frigin awesome

    Trying to line up a tour/tasting for all you guys in Anchorage at Midnight Sun Brewing. Stay tuned.

    Let the good times roll guys, let the good times roll.... And keep writing!

    1. Thanks Charlie. The brewery tour sounds fantastic!
      Yep, that Subway drive thru was quite the experience. As you know, ordering a simple sammich at Subway can be quite the ordeal - what with 8 breads, 10 meats, 8 cheeses, 15 toppings, 10 sauces to choose from can be exhausting. But from the confines of your personal motor vehicle you don't even need to haul your fat ass into the shop to eat fresh! After going thru the ordering ordeal for two sammiches I was spent. Oh, one more thing..."sir, would you like those sammiches toasted?". Well, since we've come this far...hell, yeah I want those mothers toasted. It was quite an adventure I tell you.
      Love and miss you.

  10. Nia par excelante!!!
    Midnight Sun Brewing, sign. us. up.
    Just had lunch at a sand dune beach, sandwiches & nice vanilla stout from 7Devils (best brews so far)

    More to come...

    Group trivia question:
    What is currently the only wood that can still be used as legal tender?

    Onto Beachside...

    1. No one's gotten the trivia answer yet. Hint: google North Bend, OR currency.

  11. Anyone that is having trouble....under comments section is a "comment as"'s a drop down box. You have to be signed into google/aim/wordpress, etc. If you do not have an account set up with one of those just create a quick account...Google is easiest (Gmail account) ;) Hope this helps!!

    1. That helps a lot Nikki, thanks for the pointers!

  12. Anyone that is having trouble....under comments section is a "comment as"'s a drop down box. You have to be signed into google/aim/wordpress, etc. If you do not have an account set up with one of those just create a quick account...Google is easiest (Gmail account) ;) Hope this helps!!

  13. So awesome! Deb you are one of the best mothers I know. Hope you had a wonderful day. Howie keep up the blogging Thomas and I love it. Thomas reads the blog posts out loud for his nightly reading time before bed. It's so cool.

    1. Thanks Cory, happy you guys are enjoying the posts. Thomas, you are such a good reader, thank you for following along with us and I'll have some good stories/pictures to share with you as we move further north. Just wait until we get to bear country, you're gonna love it! Love you guys and Thomas please say hello to your Mom and sister for us.

  14. Thomas you stud! You gotta post up, we want to hear from U2!

  15. Omg, lovin it! And you've only just begun...

    Hugs and more hugs!

  16. Hi guys this is Thomas.thank you and hope to see you soon can't wait for the story's and pictures.😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😎

    1. Hi Thomas, thanks for following along. We can't wait to see you and tell you about Alaska. Keep reading the blog and I'll try to include things that I think would be of interest to you. For starters, check out my recent post titled Pushing on to La Push...I have a photo in there of a slug I saw on a hike. Can you research it and tell me what kind it is? Thanks buddy. Hugs and kisses to you and your sister.

    2. Thank you I will look up the slug. 🤓
