Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Thar's a Bar in that Thar Tree a Yonder!

Sunday, after a longish 5 hour drive from Cape Disappointment, WA to the Hoh River Rainforest Campground in Olympic NP I was ready for a nice stretch of the legs. So off I go on the two mile Spruce loop trail from the campground following the rambunctious, glacier fed Hoh River and wound my merry way amongst moss covered foliage thru the rainforest.

Nearing the end of the walk I came across a young couple staring up into the nearby trees and clicking off photos faster than a paparrazi chasing Sean Penn. I was a little put off in that they were blocking the trail, it just seemed very inconsiderate to me - yep, I know, I'm getting old - when they quickly said to me 'you know, there's a bear in that tree over there'.

I said, no way! Get right the hell out of town!

Sure enough, there he/she was - a black bear, too small to be a cub but I think still small enough to be considered a juvenile. The little huge guy was about 50 feet up a big fat tree some 60 yards away from us just ripping the shit out of the tree bark, eating and having a grand old time. Every couple of minutes a big chunk of tree bark would come crashing down and he didn't have a care in the world.

That black mass in the middle of the photo is one happy, carefree bear. He's looking right at us although I understand bears have crappy eyesight but their sense of smell is a whole other story. I'm sure he knew we were there 'cause we were a bit upwind of him.
Spectacular creature.

So me and the guy start cracking some bear jokes - you know, the Disneyland Bear Country Jamboree one liners and 'hey, Yogi I bet he has someone's pic a nic basket up there', stuff like that. Talk about juvenile.

Then I say to him, hey man, we ain't gonna be laughin' so hard if that guy comes scamperin' down the tree and charges us. That's when the gal says 'say, wonder where his/her mother is?'.
Check please, do you guys validate for parking? I snapped a couple of bad photos, hung out for a few more minutes and then split.

Truth be told I could have beaten the gal in a foot race - short legs, I would have easily outpaced her. And, based on my brief introduction to this couple, I'm fairly certain her guy pal would have ditched her too.

But, this being my first bear sighting of the trip was really exciting. Actually, I was thrilled beyond belief. There's something exhilirating about seeing such a large animal up close in the wild (their turf, not mine) knowing that thing could maul you sideways from Sunday without breaking a sweat or giving a damn.

I was breathless.

We have a few more days of exploration in this magnificent Park. This place really has it all from rainforests to glaciers to beaches with arches and seastacks, all crammed into 1 Million, yes that's million with an M, acres. Oh, it also includes over 600 offshore islands - God do I love this country!

We'll post more as items of interest come up, thanks for reading.

As always, your intrepid observer will remain ever vigilant.


  1. Have u found the hot springs/spa yet
    Love u

    1. Yes, went there last evening and had a lovely soak. Then had a great dinner of crabcakes, salad and wine in the adjoining restaurant....very, very nice evening. Thanks for the tip. Love you

  2. You don't have to outrun the bear; you just have to outrun at least one other person. That'll be my motto in Alaska! 😂

  3. The hot springs are now a resort, looked cool but we are on a whole different path this trip!
    Getting as far into the wild as LD & wee will go (Howard even further on bike n foot!)

    1. Glad to hear this.
      "We don't need no stinking resort"
      better stuff off the beaten path.

  4. I always wonder about that.....
    What if that mama bear aint hungry and just likes killing folk. Then you would have to outrun the bear, not just the other 2 yokels.
    Anyways, glad your still kicking about.

    1. You didn't need to tell me that! I thought my blinding speed and llama like agility would get me by...crap, now I got this to worry about.
      Love, Dad

  5. Glad you're getting bear experience now! Black or grizzly? I heard that a black bear will chase you up a tree while a grizzly will just snap the trunk in two...please don't test that out-enjoy-love ya

    1. Black bear. Don't worry Sue that encounter gave me quite the respect for bears. It's like a kid getting knocked down by a big wave before they gain respect for the ocean...kind of like that.

  6. So, turns out there are natural hot springs in Sol Duc besides the Warner Springs like resort setup.
    But after hiking to the MAG falls I had nothing left to scramble up the hillside ( mountainside) to try to find
    it! Youngsters go for it!

  7. Hey Howard and Deb,

    I just got turned on to your blog, very cool! What an awesome trip you've got planned and it is fun to read about all of your adventures. It sounds like the trip of a lifetime.

    Keep on bloggin' so that we can live vicariously!

    1. Thanks for checking in Amy, glad you're enjoying the blog. I remember the RV trip that you and Mark took to OR several years ago and I now see why you guys had such a great time. Say hey to Mark and please stay in touch. Love, Howard and Deb

  8. Ams, your in! Bueno!
    Didn't you & Mark do this a couple years ago?

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