Sunday, July 24, 2016

Seward's Folly

I don't believe President Lincoln's Secretary of State James Seward ever got anywhere close to Alaska but he bought the damn place just the same. I also think he was the prime conspirator in Lincoln's assasination, but that discourse is for another blog.
He may have been a scumbag but he got this purchase right.
We have spent the last few days in Seward, AK and have enjoyed all of its treasures, James Seward be damned.

The caravan that is us, brother Mark and family and sister Sue motored down from Cooper Landing to the picturesque setting that is Seward. We find very suitable grounds for a coupla days at Miller's Landing about 2 clicks south of town alongside the unforgettable Resurrection Bay - Res Bay baby. Everchanging tides, swift currents, cold water, glaciers to the east, white and black spruce trees dominate the landscape complete with eagles circling to the west - please wake me up, I can't take anymore of this.

First on the agenda was a boat cruise to the Kenai Fjords National Park - the only way you're getting there is by boat or plane. The captain and crew were - how should I put this - you can really tell when someone loves their job and is proud of their hometown and wants to show it off to the world. Get the picture? It was fantastic..check out these photos of Kenai Fjords on a picture perfect day.

As a bonus, Debbie and I have been searching for an Orcas Whale sighting since Memorial Day in Washington and have finally witnessed  the grace and magnificent power of these beauties here on Res Bay....simply one magnificent creature.

Sorry, wanted to add more Kenai Fjords photo but Blogger was uploading VERY slowly tonite, I'll add some more in the next post.

Sue and I trekked up to the Exit Glacier and checked out this rapidly receding year it will look totally different and perhaps be gone within 50 years.

Went for a bike ride around town to check things out and unbelievably found myself in yet another brewery...Seward Brewing Company. Great beer, friendly folks and this.....
A 32 oz beer canned at the bar to go - called a crowler - and as happenstance it fits perfectly into my water bottle rack on my bike. Sweet! I mentioned this to the head brewmaster Jason and he said he was not aware that their canned 32 oz'ers would fit on a water bottle bike rack. He told me he would be promoting that aspect very're welcome Jason.

So my 60th birthday is coming next month and my sister, brother and Debbie wanted to treat me to a nice neal and some belly laughs. We ended up at Thorns Showcase Lounge which came highly recommended by some locals, they said to look past the cheesy decor and ambience because the food and service is the best in Alaska. They were spot on...let's just say the Jack Daniels and halibut went down smooth! Man, the hali was like eating candy. Whoo boy, did we have us a time at Thorny's! Can I turn 60 every day? Thanks guys for a most wonderful evening that I'll never forget...and all of you that were there know what I'm talking about.

As all fun things must come to an end it was time for my loved ones to leave. First up was Sue who left Friday so we had a proper campfire send off for her Thursday night. She has been wearing this aqua colored zip up cardigan for most of the trip. Now this raggedy ass thing could serve as a suitable travelogue for her adventure thru Alaska...I mean this tapestry had everything on it - Campfire burn holes, stains of every variety - grand marnier, chocolate, wine, beer, glacial dust, alpine moss, Oregon cherry ice cream, BBQ sauce, and a host of others - the only appropriate action to take was to burn that mother, which she did. There was no way she was taking this thing back to Boston, best to burn the evidence...what happens in AK stays in AK as they say.

The following day my brother Mark, Kim and Blake left for home in San Diego. On their way back to Anchorage the outside rear dually tire of their rented RV blew out. Mark called the rental place and they basically said you're on your own pal. He called me and I advised him to leave the keys on the dashboard, call them to come pick up their RV and I'd drive up to meet them and take them to the airport to catch their 2:30 PM flight. But, my brother and sister in law being the studs they are, changed the rear dually on a 10 ton truck chassis by themselves on the side of the road right outside Moose Pass, AK! Now I ask you, how many people can say they've done that? Way to go Mark and Kim, I'd travel to the ends of the earth with you guys. Yep, they made their flight with plenty of time to spare...stud hall of fame!

It was sad to say goodbye to all of our loved ones and we will miss their company and laughs becasue we had some wonderful moments that we will cherish forever. What a time we had. Thanks you guys for coming up to Alaska and spending time with us, we hope you all had as much fun as we did!
Now Debbie and I are off to Homer, AK by way of Kenai and Captain Cook (is it just me or did this Capt. Cook fella really get around?) State Park.
Talk with you all soon...take care.


  1. What an unforgettable adventure. The perpetual light, majestic beauty, constant alcohol (oops) I mean constant wildlife sightings. It was the trip of a lifetime. I'm still recovering from the sleep deprivation and activity overload. I mean seriously...glacier hiking, river rafting, boat tours, zip lining and rappelling, more hiking, dog sledding, multiple breweries, excellent food and amazing family. I wish we stayed longer and can't wait for the next adventure. I think Mark is hooked on the RVing (in small doses). Not even the blown tire (which was the only misadventure to the trip and gives a hell of a good story to tell), has dampened it. Do I smell a convert??? Of course he'd still need a little Hilton or Hyatt thrown in occasionally. Love you guys. Stay safe and don't forget the bear spray test before surrendering to Canada. 😝😝😝

    1. Had a great time too Kim and glad you guys got home safe. If you can change a rear dually on a 10 ton truck chassis in Moose Pass, AK you guys are definitely prime material for the RV life. Just go get one already, trust me!
