Saturday, July 2, 2016

Hatching a Plan for the Day

Writing this on Thursday June 30th and not sure when I'll be able to post it so this report may be a day or two old - no cell or data coverage here at the majestic Eklutna Lake within the Chugach State Park about 30 clicks from downtown Anchorage.

So what to do with the day today? Let's head off to Hatcher Pass per the recomendation of the pleasant park ranger here at Eklutna Lake, but more on that later.

We were planning to stay at the Eagle River park which is only 15 miles or so from downtown but my guy at the Palmer Quickie Lube said if it were him he would head to Eklutna, so we did. Haven't seen Eagle River (perhaps we'll cruise thru to check it out) but this place is fabulous.
We have a great site, spacious, knockout views of the snow covered Chugach range, no adjoining sites next to us (good, because I think this place will be rockin over the upcoming July 4th holiday) with reasonably close proximity to Anchorage for re supply and miscellaneous big city errands. We've decided to hunker down here thru the 4th, do some day trips out to see the numerous sights in the area and then move nearer to Anchorage next week to meet my sister Sue who flies in from Boston next Friday - we can't wait to see her!

We pulled in here on Tuesday and spent the day checking out the park which included a very scenic hike around a portion of the lake - this lake is the largest in the Chugach measuring 7 miles in length and about 2 miles in width and serves as a primary drinking water source for the City of Anchorage.

After set up and stroll we moseyed on down the road about a mile to Rochelles, famous for her ice cream. So on a bright sunny day I enjoyed a sweet scoop of blueberry and Debbie had the Denali Moose - the server said to Debbie 'you know, this Denali Moose is loaded with chocolate, is that OK?' - uh, you bet Rochelle, that'll be just fine, thanks.

Yesterday we had an annoying camper across the street from us who played his music WAY too loud. I normally don't mind loud music and noise in general but the only music this cat had was the Beegees and ACDC. After the fourth playing of "Stayin' Alive" (no exaggeration, I was counting) I consulted the map to find the nearest railroad line so I could go there and lay my head down on the tracks to await the next train.
Fortunately for us and the rest of the campers in the loop he moved on this morning and we are now all enjoying the peace without "Stayin' Alive" blaring 24/7.

Yesterday I was on a quest of epic proportions - find some mosquito netting to wrap around our 10' square pop up shade. Figured in the land of mosquitoes how hard could this be, probably sell these things at any 7-11 up here, right? Well, you would be incorrect kind reader! Lowes - nope, the Deeps - nada, REI (where I bought the damn shade to begin with) - sorry sir, maybe try Bass Pro Shops, huh? - Bass Pro - didn't even understand what I was looking for.

Finally we altered our quest into a search for a smooth refreshing beer and salad. That we had no trouble finding with a quick and easy stop at Midnight Sun Brewing Company in Anchorage. Great beer - really liked their Sockeye Red and Debbie liked the Pleasure Town IPA and the salad was fresh, local and very delicious. Mission accomplished, I then figured it was time to man up and start acting like a real Alaskan - the hell with the mosquito netting.

Today we drove up to the incredible Hatcher Pass and hiked the Gold Cord Lake Trail. Without a doubt the BEST hike I've taken on the trip so far. Winding your way up thru alpine tundra in an ancient glaciated valley and you summit at a colorful, mirrored lake surrounded by snow covered/green/rocky mountains. The green plant life on the mountains gave it a tropical look and reminded me very much of the big island in Hawaii. Throw a little snow on it, add in some volcanic loam and then cover it with wildflowers and you've got yourself one satisfying walk.

Check out the reflections....smooth, 'eh?

Are we on the big island brah?

Noice reflections here...beautiful spot, heaven on earth I tell you.

Worked up a bit of a thirst so on the way back to camp we stopped in at the The Last Frontier Brewery in Wasilla, AK to try them out. Beer was OK, had a quick Amber which wasn't bad and Debbie tried their IPA which was not that good. Hit the ATM and trucked on back to camp.

All in all a very fine day and glad we checked out Hatcher Pass, one of the prettiest spots on the trip so far and just a short 40 minute drive from downtown Anchorage.

Started raining around 5 PM and poured all night long with a smattering of lightning and thunder. Now I'm beginning to see why everything up here is so green. We stayed toasty and cozy in the LD reading, had a light meal and called it an early night.

Let me give you a couple of observations and interactions I had yesterday morning (Friday July 1), you guys will get a kick out of these, as I did. Needed a haircut so I motored on down to Chugiak to hit up the Great Clips and do some grocery shopping at the Fred Meyer next door. On the way out of the campground I stopped by Rochelles for a cuppa cuppa. I pull up to the gravel parking lot - mind you this place is in the middle of no where - with no other cars in the lot and no one else around except for two of Rochelles employees - sweet, this should take all of 30 seconds, in and out as they say. I walk up to two 'order here' windows spaced about 4 feet apart. Window number one to my left is manned by a gnarly looking mid 40's dude with methy teeth donning a black T shirt that says 'Don't Dial 911, I'm Just Starting to Have Fun'...greasy. Window number two to my right is being held down by a young high school boy. Both windows are in the same room so the two employees are about 4 feet apart. 911 dude opens his window screen as if to take my order, we exchange good mornings and I say I'd like a cup of coffee with cream and a little sugar. He says, oh you need to order that at the next window. OK, I take a single stride to my right and high school kid says, can I help you sir? Yes please, I'd like a cup of coffee. Would you like cream or sugar with that?

Now I'm immediately thinking they were just messing with me and I was on board, nice gag, probably something I would do to a tourist too (actually I did in high school with summer tourists at Mount Vernon, VA)...but as I watched these two numb skulls struggle for 10 minutes over a simple coffee order I concluded that that level of humor was way more advanced than they could ever imagine.

Coffee now secured I slide on into the Great Clips and the gal asks, did you make an online reservation, no I did not. Whats your phone number - I have been to GC's before in SD so gave her my home number. Oh, I'm sorry sir your name is not coming up in our system. Does that mean I can't get my haircut? I don't know, I have to get my manager. Manager comes over and says we'll need to set you up as a new customer, whats your address? I don't have an address and all I really have right now is hair that needs to be cut and $15 to match your listed price for a haircut, will all of that be sufficient to complete this transaction? An old fart customer sitting next to all of this was laughing his ass off and commiserating with me, seems he had just gone thru the same song and dance. Finally got 'em all cut and the hell out of there.

I tell you, dear followers, everything up here is an adventure...right down to getting a morning cup of coffee and a haircut.

Now I tell these stories not to belittle or make fun of people but geezus you just can't make this stuff up. They are not stupid or lazy, they just have a slower, more relaxed lifestyle with a very laid back attitude - a lot like Baja and other parts of Mexico we've visited. Fine with us as we are in no hurry and love a hilarious interaction but the glaciers around here move faster than some of the people we've encountered.
I was going to add more to this but we came upon a Wi-Fi connection quite unexpectedly so I want to get this off.
More later, take care.


  1. HaHAHAH. i sure do enjoy reading your posts howie!
    keep the apex in your sight and the roads behind you.

    Love yas

    1. Will do my man. Apex will remain in focus at all times son. Glad you're enjoying the posts, I'm having a good time with them as well.
      Love ya's right back at ya.
