Friday, July 22, 2016

Rolling on the River

The Kenai River that is...and rolling we were.

Let's get caught up here shan't we?

We left Denali last Friday the 15th and met up with my brother Mark, his wife Kim and 14 year old son Blake in Anchorage. We enjoyed a great repaste of appetizers and drinks at the Hilton and visually feasted upon, once again, - excellent views of Denali Mt., quite remarkable that it has been in view everyday now for a solid week - the locals say this is unprecedented in recent memory.
We then rambled off to the nearest Fred Meyer's to stock up on groceries as Mark's family is renting an RV and car for the week. This was their first experience with a Freddies and they enjoyed it immensely.

Let me try to give you a description of a Freddies. You can buy ANYTHING at Freddies - from a high def TV to a gun and everything in between, everything EXCEPT alchohol. Yep, you can buy a .44 Colt pistol with ammo on the spot but not a Colt 45 beer...I find that very peculiar. Maybe it's a good thing, you know let's not get these gun toting dudes liquored up. Freddies does have an ancillary liquor store right next door and a full service gas station out front. And all the groceries, clothing, shoes, carpeting, tools,  washing machines - it goes on and on - that your little heart could desire.
Most excellent people watching at a Freddies - take your local Walmart and multiply it by 5 for entertainment value.

The next morning we pick up the rentals and head off to the Kenai Peninsula.
Just to keep track of all of this, we now have 6 people, 2 automobiles, 2 RV's (with only 5 people licensed to drive) with sleeping accomodations for 9.....don't you just love America? Well, I sure as hell do. Somewhere the last Siberian White Tiger is shedding a tear.

We roll into the Kenai and it is peak salmon fishing time - the Sockeye's are running big time so every legit campground and RV park is full. No need to panic though dear followers, this is Alaska and one thing is for sure, you will ALWAYS find a great camp spot in the Great North country. So we park the caravan at a highway turnout and Kim and I go a 'splorin in the rental car for a suitable hang for the next couple of days.

We found a perfect spot in a large gravel lot all to ourselves right next to the glacial fed Kenai Lake. A beautiful swimming spot located nearby to occasionally rinse the dust off and all was well with the world.

Nephew Blake on our hike up to Upper Russian Lakes...nice looking young man, wouldn't you say?

This location provided us with the best launching off spot for our Monday morning rafting trip down the wet and wild Kenai River.

The 6 of us occupied one large Zodiac type raft with a 20 HP outboard and the very experienced helmsperson Alicia manning the oars. Alicia was one of the most experienced guides we have met on the trip. Knew all about the river, has guided it for the past  7 years and knew where all the wildlife was located. Said she is getting ready to get her advanced degree in geophysics at Univ of Washington this Fall. Very peaceful and fun Class 1 and 2 rapids with excellent views of what else, glaciers, wildlife, birds and wildflowers. The run went about 18 miles from Cooper Landing down to Skilak Lake where we motored the last few miles across the Lake and found eagles, bears, cormorants, puffins and a ton of other things.

Alicia at the helm and Debbie doing what she does best, kicking back and enjoying the moment....

Sister Sue and brother Mark soaking in the moment at the end of the rafting trip...pure bliss on those faces......

Mark and Kim basking in the sun on Skilak Lake, AK...

When we got back to the boathouse Debbie, Sue and I stayed back to update the blog with their WiFi and Alicia joined us for a beer outside at the picnic table. Rob the other guide joined us as well. Now Rob has a story...young early 30's, kind of nerdy but a funny and super nice guy. Got his degree in molecular biology from Univ of Minnesota and started a genetics testing firm where he developed some whiz bang breakthrough in genetics research and as a result is a multi gizzilionaire. He decided that what he really wanted to do in life was to come to AK and learn everything he could about salmon - he says the most fascinating living being on the planet. So he chucked the day to day, now lightly oversees the business operation from afar and spends his days guiding salmon fishing floats on the Kenai River and living in a tidy 800 SF cabin riverside - he says it's got everything we need. Met and married a gal who plays with the Anchorage symphony and life could not be sweeter...sounds pretty nice 'eh? Way to go Rob, can't wait to hear of your upcoming breakthrough in salmon research that may advance human medical knowledge. Now just to let you know this was no BS we heard his story from Alicia before he arrived at the table and he struck me as the type of guy that would never divulge any of this information to a stranger. He also had one of the best smiles and laughs I've ever heard, you know the kind that comes from a free and unbridled heart.

Spent the next day hiking around Snug Harbor on Kenai Lake where we boondocked, ate some great campside meals, drank some fine wine and beer, had several nice swims in the Lake - my nephew Blake could not get enough of these lake swims, he was one very happy teenager enjoying the midnight sun with a cool refreshing dip. Old Uncle HaHa enjoyed being there with him, such a fine young man and a great guy to travel with.
Sadly we pulled out of our comfy confines at Snug and ventured off to Seward, AK where we had reservations at Millers Landing RV park and Adventure camp right on Resurrection Bay just a couple of clicks south of town. Here we have lined up a boat tour of Kenai Fjords National Park, Zipline adventure, dog sledding demo's, hikes up to and on Exit Glacier and lots of nice halibut tasting - my favorite slice of fish in the world, it's like eating candy.

Posted up at Campsite Joe (named after our son Joe) at Millers Landing, Resurrection Bay, Seward, AK......

I will post more about our time in Seward next time.
Let me just say this, I'm almost brought to tears over having my older sister, brother and his family, and Debbie all together here as one and laughing and plain out having a ball together - the time of my life.
Later good folks.


  1. Love the blogs, keep 'em coming! You are all having the time of your lives. Unforgettable!

  2. Have you decided who is going to play each of you in the movie?

    1. Good question Phil, I'll have to consult my casting staff on that one and get back to you.
      Is Dom Deloise still alive/working?

  3. Hey folks!
    Just sitting down this fine sunday morning to catch up on your travels. Truly is a great read diesel, keep this stuff coming.
    All moved out, located at Lacebark proper now. In fact sitting right in your spot watching the /pga championship as I type this out.
    Birthday went well, got the heavy stuff all moved out. Then hit the town with the boys for some beers.

    Anyways, all is well and good from down south, keep on truckin.

    P.S. off the top of my head, I choose Meryll Streep and Jeff Bridges

    1. Thanks for reading...Streep/Bridges 'eh? Both fine actors but we're thinking more like Dom Delouise and Ethel Merman - are they still working?
      Love you
