Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Wireless Age

We live in a truly remarkable time. A 4 month road trip is infinitely easier today than it would have been even 10 years ago. We can stay in close contact with loved ones and friends; bills can be paid and finances managed; mail can be forwarded electronically; quite literally any product can be purchased thru Amazon and delivered to your campsite within a couple of days to name just a few of the conveniences.
It all comes with a price however and that price is, as I'm discovering - why the hell do we have so many wires for our wireless devices? It is totally incomprehensible to me that 2 people could have the need for so many GD wires! We've got cables, inverters, converters, chargers, audio cables, video cables, camera cables, it goes on and freaking on - and don't get me started on all of the remote controls necessary to eke out our existence. Small price to pay I grant you but really.......

Now that's a spicy bowl of spaghetti.

It looks like we've got all the basic things packed up and the tiltin' Hilton is ready to roll. Need to pack some clothes and make sure we have, in no particular order - credit card(s); passports, toothbrush and toilet paper and don't forget all the wireless devices and their damned wires.
We pull out Monday morning and head up to visit with friend Phil Johnson in  Monterey for a couple of nights. We'll have some laughs with Phil and make some wine purchases so we don't go dry on our way El Norte.
Hell, maybe I'll have all these wires organized and stowed by then.
Or, maybe not.


  1. Miss you guys already. Have an awesome trip! Just make sure Deb doesn't sneak behind you with one of those wires godfather style :)

    1. Thanks Cory. If I end up dead with a cord around my neck I trust that you will contact the appropriate authorities.

    2. Much less messy ways, my brutha.

  2. Have fun!!! Be safe.

    1. Thanks Nikki. I understand you are now a home owner - way to go, congratulations! When is the housewarming rager scheduled?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Have fun!!! Be safe.
